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Jessica Meyrick

Jessica Meyrick is an illustrator born and raised in the creative city of Bristol in the UK.
From as young as six, it was clear that she had a passion for drawing. This passion led to a year of studying Fine Art and Design in Bath, specialising in 2-D Design. Longing to see Australia, after graduating she decided to take a year of volunteer work along the Eastern Coast of Australia and Cambodia. Arriving back in the UK, Jessica achieved a first class honours degree in Illustration at Falmouth University, amongst the beautiful Cornwall beaches.
It was there she met her husband, Luke, studying graphic design who shared her love of Australia.
Painting with watercolours and brush pens and later scanning for digital adjustments on photoshop, Jessica’s illustrations explore minimalism using limited colour and simplicity of form and structure.
Using graphic shapes and expressive, fluid lines, her work focuses on intimate detail and a sense of narrative.
Often using foliage and characters to create a strong emotive feel, Jessica aims to display a diversity of character and culture inspired by design, music and film influences in Europe.
Shortlisted for the AOI’s World Illustration Awards in 2016 and 2017, Jessica has mainly worked for magazines and zines based in the UK and Europe.